Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Curious George

Today we headed to the Discovery Museum to play in the new Curious George exhibit and meet the monkey in person. Unfortunately the event was not the most organized so we didn't get very good pictures with George, but the kids still had fun playing. This was the first time that we had gone since Emersyn started crawling so it was fun to set her free in the tot spot. She loved exploring and pushing all the buttons.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pool time

I finally had a weekend off, so we headed to Hamilton pool for the day. We wanted to let Daddy share in all the fun we've been having. We brought along our friends Suzie, Dillon  & Zaira. Kenzie was excited to show off all her new techniques from swim camp. Finn and Emme spent the morning splashing around in the kiddie pool. We had a picnic lunch and then got ice cream treats. It was so nice to spend the day as a family.

too much fun in the sun

Kenzie's new tricks

Zaira being silly

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rodeo Beach & Sausalito

This summer I am taking another photography class called "How to take stunning pictures".  We are a small group of Moms that love to take pictures, so it has been a really fun class. Tonight we headed down to Rodeo beach to watch the surfers at sunset. After dark we headed into Sausalito to practice night photography. It was an amazingly beautiful night and I learned so much. I took over 200 pictures. It was hard to narrow down, but these are my favorites.

Monday, June 20, 2011

9 months old

My little Emme is growing to fast. With the first baby I couldn't wait for the next milestone to happen, with the last I find myself wanting to freeze every moment and make time stand still. She's already trying to stand up on her own and can crawl very fast. She can clap and wave.
Emersyn is Daddy's girl. She gets so excited when she sees him and puts her arms out to be picked up and calls out "Da Da".
The Stats: 17 lbs 12oz in the 30th percentile. She is 28 inches long and in the 60th percentile for weight.

Swim Camp

This week was swim camp at the Hamilton pool. We dropped Kenzie off every morning at 8:30 and they started with a game like soccer or catch the flag. Then they had a small group swim lesson. They spent the rest of their time doing art projects and playing in the pool. 

After camp we stayed and played in the kiddie pool. Finn was all over the place and by the end of the week everyone knew his name. It was often heard "Finn stop running!". He has no fear of the water and loved jumping in and going down the slide. Luckily the little pool is only a foot deep and there were life guards everywhere. This was Emersyn's first time at the pool and she was almost as crazy as her brother. She was splashing and kicking and constantly trying to crawl away. Everyone was exhausted by the end including Mommy. Luckily they all took naps every day. What a fun way to start our summer. 

contemplating the slide

my little bumble bee

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

This afternoon we let Jim "relax" in his new chair on the back patio.

Then he made us "beer can chicken" with his new grill gadgets we got him

Happy Father's Day to a great Dad. We love you and are so lucky to have you!

Mommy look what I found in the backyard

Today while playing on the back patio Kenzie found a lizard. She was certain it was a salamander and it needed a home. So she built it a nest of leaves and small toys. Then she carried it around on her shirt. I couldn't believe it actually stayed there. Eventually it did get away and there were tears. Now she's trying to convince me that she needs a lizard for her bedroom.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Preschool Graduation

This morning Mackenzie had her graduation from All Saints Preschool. The kids marched in to "pomp & circumstance" wearing blue caps and gowns. The pastor said a prayer and the kids performed for us. They sang "On top of spaghetti" and then awards and diplomas were passed out. Mackenzie received the storyteller award.- "Mackenzie has a great outlook on life and loves to share stories, she has the ability to articulate so well that you find yourself drawn into her stories. We are amazed by her eloquence and have thoroughly enjoyed having Mackenzie in class". I thought it was very fitting. The whole program was adorable and there were tears of joy. Our little girl is growing up. Its hard to believe our baby is starting kindergarten this fall.

the storyteller award

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Swim lessons

Finn is taking lessons at the Hamilton pool on Sundays with Daddy. Today we all went along to watch and get some pictures.  Finn got in to play and had a great time kicking and splashing. Unfortunately by the time his lesson started he was done and didn't want to pay attention. He wanted to go play in the kiddy pool with Kenzie. Luckily I got a few shots before he was out of the pool. Maybe next week we'll send the boys by themselves.

While Finn was with Daddy I let Kenzie play in the kiddie pool. Last summer she was afraid to go on the slide. Today after only a slight hesitation she went down it and was all smiles. I was so proud of her! Amazing what a difference a year makes.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Finn's new bike

When Grammi was visiting she bought Finn his first bike with training wheels. He was so excited to have it out of the box all set up, but it has been rainy here so not much riding. Today we got a break in the weather so after we dropped Kenzie off at school we headed to Pioneer park to practice. He needed a little help with going up the hill and got a little out of control going down the hill, but he's got the steering part down.

pedaling fast