Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

New Year's Eve was my holiday to work, but Jim and the kids had fun celebrating with friends. They celebrated east coast New Years and were having so much fun, they celebrated again at midnight. Luckily everyone slept in for Daddy!

Anne and I having a little fun at work

Emme all dressed up to party!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Snow getaway day 2

This morning we stopped to look at the lake and then we went to check and item off my bucket list! I've always wanted to try riding on a snowmobile. We found the perfect place, it was a snowmobile track so they didn't go fast and the part was I got to experience it with my kids. We all fun taking turns riding around the track, even Emme got a turn. I'm not sure that I ever need to take a sled out on the open snow, but it was fun to try it.

Before we headed home we stopped at a sledding hill. It was a short trip but so much fun to get the kids up to the snow.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Snow getaway Day 1

Today we packed up the car and headed to South Lake Tahoe. They got a lot of snow over the holiday so we were excited to go up and play. The drive along 50 was beautiful with all the trees covered in fresh snow. We stopped at Sierra to take the kids tubing. Emme rode with me and Finn rode with Daddy. Kenzie was happy to have her own tube. We played for 2 hours until our toes were cold and then we headed into town for dinner and to find our hotel.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

This morning everyone was up early and excited to dig into the presents. We started with the stocking and then moved on to the presents. Then we spent the rest of the day relaxing and playing with our new toys.

pink paper clips

a new toothbrush

Finn's new helicopter

tutu girl

princess Merida

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Tonight made reindeer food and put out chocolate and wine for Santa. Then we got everyone off to bed before Santa arrived. We made it to bed just in time to here the sleigh bells ringing!

making reindeer food

Christmas jammies

a little treat for Santa