Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hello Kitty Party

Today we celebrated Emme's birthday Hello Kitty style with streamers, cupcakes, crowns and a giant balloon. We invited the Lums, Auntie & Levi and Mum Mum. She loved seeing everyone and was a ham when it came time to sing. She even started the happy birthday song for us. She loved opening presents and was so excited when we surprised her with a big girl bike. She had so much fun riding it up and down our street.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

soccer in the rain

Today we had a random rainy day and surprisingly they didn't cancel soccer. So Kenzie got to experience soccer in the rain. Most of the girls had fun running through the big puddle. Kenzie chose to skirt around the puddle. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

3 years old!

Our baby turned 3 years old today! She was so excited to go to school and celebrate with her class. 

Some fun facts about Emersyn:
She loves hello kitty, and Ariel. She loves to wear tutus and anything dress up.  Her favorite foods are bagels with cream cheese, strawberries, and hot dogs. She is the comic relief of the family and a little fire cracker. She keeps us on our toes and keeps us laughing. So much love for this spunky little lady!

Friday, September 13, 2013

A trip to the ER

Today our little man learned a valuable lesson. Don't blow a whistle in the dogs face. While having a play date with Joey the boys got Liberty a little too fired up. She jumped up and got Finn in the eye. There was lots of blood and lots of crying, so off to the ER we went. It took us 7 hours of mostly waiting, but our brave little man handled it well. He didn't let out a peep for his IV. He got two stitches to his eyelid under sedation, and was so tired from the day stayed asleep for the rest of the night except for a brief bite to eat and a juice. It was a long day but we were so relieved it wasn't worse. Never a dull moment in the Malcolm house.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Soccer Weekend

This weekend we had two soccer games and soccer photos all in the blazing heat. Mackenzie was a trooper and enjoyed playing at both games. Her favorite position is still goalie and she did really good blocking the ball. Only one got past her!  We ended our first game on Saturday at Paradise for ice cream with the team followed by a dip in the pool. The kids were happy to visit the pool again on Sunday afternoon after the second game. Here's hoping it cools down for next weekend.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Double Trouble

Today I got my new lens and wanted to try it out, so I told these
two to go to the other side of the street and play on the fence. They willingly obliged!