Monday, May 26, 2014


This weekend we got all the cousins together for the first time with the newest addition. So fun to see them all playing together. Collin was a star in my house! Everyone wanted his attention, especially Finn. He was so happy to have some boy time!

Bodhi Pose

Beach Time

Today we headed out to Chicken Ranch Beach. It was chilly but the kids didn't seem to mind. They were in their bathing suits in the water exploring the tide pools. There was lots of digging and burying to be had. I think everyone enjoyed the morning.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Muir Woods

Today we played tourists with the Ouimettes/Webb's and visited Muir Woods. With a few snacks and some hot cocoa at the end we made it through. Afterwards we headed to Anne's for lunch and a little Bodhi time.