Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

2010 is coming to a close and I look back in awe at this year and how quickly it passed. It has been a year of many challenges, adventures and life lessons. We started off the year by finding out there was a new Malcolm on the way. As parents of two children already, we were nervous. How would a third fit into the mix, how would this affect our move, how would I work. As fate would have it everything worked out just perfect. Our move went smoothly, at the last minute I was offered a great job, and to my surprise the most serene little girl entered our world. It has truly been a year of blessings. I am so thankful for my happy healthy family. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Blue Cast

Finn had a diaper malfunction over night and his cast got all wet and stinky. Luckily the orthopedic office was able to see us this morning before the holiday. This was his third trip to the office so he has gotten pretty comfortable there, but he was still skeptical of the situation. They needed to saw off the old cast so they put headphones on him. He cried and snuggled up to Jim and then they turned on the saw. The nurse said he was all smiles! He watched her intently as she began cutting. Finn and Daddy decided on blue for this cast. They did a second x-ray and everything is healing nicely. Finn was very proud to come home and show me his "boo tass" (blue cast). 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bumbo Seat

Emersyn has started sitting in the bumbo seat. She seems to enjoy being upright and able to see what's going on. Her favorite place to be is on the counter. I have fond memories of Kenzie sitting in the same seat on these counters, so today I tried to recreate some of those photos I had taken of her at this age. Emersyn loves to have her picture taken and was happy to play along. She even started laughing at me.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Kenzie's new ride

Mackenzie got a new bike from Grammi and Grandpa Mike for Christmas. We had a break in the rain today so we took it out for a test ride. Today we just stayed in front of the house and worked on getting  started, turning and braking. She is very cautious and does not like to go fast but she had a great time on her first ride. Finn wanted to get in on the action, so we pushed him on the little trike. 

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morning

The kids came down the stairs and were so excited to see everything under the tree. Mackenzie immediately saw her unicorn pillow pet and was all smiles. This was the one thing she wanted from Santa and she was so happy to snuggle it. The kids got busy emptying their stockings while Jim and I made cinnamon rolls. Once everyone was up we started opening all the gifts. Kenzie quickly noticed a large bag in the corner. "What's this bag Mommy?" Upon opening the mystery bag she found a purple bike from Grammi and Grandpa Mike. She quickly hopped on and asked to have her picture taken. We spent the rest of the morning opening presents and playing with new toys. Some of the gifts this year were a Wii, train sets and Thomas engines, princess dress up clothes, pretty princess game, aurora doll, baby doll jogger, froggy rain coat and of course the pillow pets. We ended the day with a nice family dinner. A yummy spiral ham, broccoli cheese casserole, and scalloped potatoes. It was a relaxing day spent in our jammies and a great day with our kids.

not really a Sarah Palin book

Anne and her sausage

new bath towel

the princess and her loot

playing flingsmash

froggy raincoat

Friday, December 24, 2010

Cookies & Beer for Santa

Tonight we made snowman cookies for Santa. Then we set out a tray by the fireplace. Kenzie counted out carrots for each reindeer and couple of cookies for the man in red. Then we decided that a glass of beer might be appreciated since he usually gets a lot of milk on this night. We only gave him half a glass since he did have to drive his sleigh all over the world. The kids were so excited to head up to bed and listen for Santa's arrival.

skyping with the Baysdens

Today we had a morning of skyping with the Baysdens. The kids took turns opening their presents from each other. Mackenzie tag pen with book and Finn got a wooden train set. Paige and Emalee got personalized jewelry boxes. Emersyn got new shoes and baby legs. After presents Jim helped Finn set up the "Choo Choo" while he chatted with Rob. Mackenzie spent the rest of the morning reading "The Cat in the Hat" with her tag.
Paige and E on the skype

Kenzie and tag

Finn opening his Choo Choo

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

3 months old

Emersyn is three months old already! The time is going so fast. Here are some things she's been doing: 
holding up her head, tummy time, cooing, giggling, lots of smiling and eyebrow raises. She is a major ham and a little flirt. She will smile at anyone that will pay attention to her. She is a great sleeper spending her nights snuggled in our bed our rocking in her swing. She is such a sweet little girl.

hazel eyes

holding her head up, so strong!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Nutcracker

Today Mackenzie and Jim went on a Daddy/Daughter date to San Francisco. They went to do a little last minute Christmas shopping and to see the Nutcracker at the San Francisco Ballet. Mackenzie was very excited to see the dancers and all the costumes. She did great during the performance, but had a little trouble staying awake during the second act. After the show they headed down to dinner at Park Chalet for Taco Tuesday. Then Jim surprised Mackenzie with a stop at the frozen yogurt place "Twisters" on the way home. She was so excited to come home and tell me all about her adventures of the day. It was such a special day for Kenzie. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband and father for my children.

all dressed up for the show

Fairy Prince?

Finnegan will probably kill me someday for taking these photos, but he was just so cute I couldn't help myself. Finn looks up to his big sister Mackenzie and copies her all the time. So it was no surprise that he asked to wear her dress up clothes today. He put his own creative spin on it with camo pants, tube sword and of course the green cast.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Green Armed Boy

Last night was probably the hardest and saddest night Jim and I have had as a parents. We were at Jim's Christmas party and everyone was having a good time. The kids were all watching a movie when my little daredevil Finn fell on the floor. He was standing on a recliner and lost his balance and his arm broke the fall. At first his cries sounds like the normal "I'm hurt", but then I noticed that he was holding his right arm. He was guarding it and now crying hysterically. We quickly got into the car and drove him to the hospital. He wouldn't ride in his carseat, so I had to hold him on my lap. Luckily it was only a few miles away. Once we got to the E.R. we were relieved to be seen right away. We were taken back to X-Ray and pictures were taken. The doctor quickly saw the double break a large one in the radius and a smaller one near the wrist in the ulna. Finn was medicated with Tylenol/codeine and a temporary cast was put on. Within minutes of the cast being put on Finn finally seemed more comfortable and stopped crying. He was even ready to let me go to the bathroom as long as he could come with me. He would not let me out of his sight! Once we got home an exhausted Finn quickly fell asleep. The next morning we were able to get him in to see the orthopedic surgeon for the permanent cast. We decided on a green cast for Christmas and he will wear it for the next 3 weeks, then we will go to the short cast. Finn did great with this part and was smiling again by the time we got to the car. I was so happy and relieved to have my little man back. We have already taught him to say cast it sound something like "cath".

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Out for a walk/run

I have been wanting to get back into running, but having a third child has made exercising a little more complicated. Today we decide to make it a family outing. Two strollers later and lots of snacks and we were on our way. Mackenzie and Finn loved the running segments. Kenzie kept asking to go faster. Emersyn was all snuggled up and slept most of the time. Amazing to think 5 years ago it was just the two of us and the dog.

the whole gang

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Cookies

Tonight Mackenzie and Finnegan helped Daddy make sugar cookies. He rolled out the dough and let them use the cookie cutters. After they were baked the kids had fun decorating. They mostly enjoyed eating the sprinkles and the frosting.

sampling the goods

a little more sampling
the finished product

Dance Recital

Mackenzie has been taking ballet class every Saturday morning and today was the Christmas recital. Her group was called Winter Wonderland. She loves to perform and was all smiles while up on stage. She did a great job today, we're so proud of our little ballerina.
Mackenzie waiting backstage with her class

hamming it up on stage after the performance

Daddy's girl

Ant Anne & Kenzie