Thursday, February 10, 2011

Skiing at Boreal

Today we decided to head to Lake Tahoe to play in the snow and do a little skiing. We piled everyone in the car at 6am and headed for the hills. We got to Boreal around 9am and checked Kenzie into ski school. She was so excited to meet her instructor and get her skis. Jim headed up to the top to do a little skiing and I took Finn to the tubing hill. Finn was a little apprehensive at first, but as soon as I pushed him down the hill he was all smiles. He was happy to spend the rest of the morning riding the tubes. He just kept saying "me go gain" and "bye bye Mommy". After lunch we switched and I dusted off my skis and took a few runs. I went to visit Mackenzie and her instructor. She was the only child left in the ski school, so she basically had a private lesson all afternoon. She was very excited to tell me about "making a pizza" with her skis. After her lesson she showed me how take the lift to the top of the bunny slope and ski down. We did a few runs together and decided to head to our hotel. Amazingly the kids still had enough energy to run up and down the halls outside our room. We took them to one of our favorite Tahoe restaurants called Jason's. After dinner we headed back to the hotel for tubbies and some much needed sleep.

my little daredevil

a view of Donner Lake outside our hotel

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