Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Timber Gym

Today Collin joined us and we headed to Newington to meet up with my friend Jen. We went to an indoor play place called Timber Gym. It was full of different outdoor play structures and play houses. Then we headed to lunch at friendly's. Everyone loved the chocolate fribbles!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Silver Sands State Park

Today we headed to the beach with Mum Mum, Collin and Julia. We had a picnic lunch and then played in the water. As the tide went out the kids had fun digging in the mud.

Spidey Sense

Friday, July 27, 2012

Seacoast Science Center

Today was a rainy day so decided to head to Rye, NH to the seacoast science center. We got to see a blue lobster and play with starfish in the touch pool. It was a fun morning with Grammi and the kids.

We ended our day visiting a new ice cream shop in Somersworth and going for a little train ride.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Story Land

Twirly rides, mini rollercoasters and face painting what a fun day. Even Emme got to on a few rides and she loved it. A future thrill seeker in the making!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Hobo Railroad

Today we headed to the Hobo railroad in Lincoln, New Hampshire for a little choo choo ride. Finn was in heaven. He loved walking through the train and seeing all the cars. Emme was pretty excited too, she just kept saying "Choo Choo!"

After the train we headed to our hotel in Conway. Our hotel had a waterpark attached to it so I was really excited to show them. Mackenzie was finally big enough to ride the big slides and she was not nervous at all. I was so proud of her! Finn spent his time in the little kid area riding the blue slide and playing in the water. Emme was a little nervous at first, but she quickly adapted and was zipping down the little slide. She just needed a push at the top and someone to catch her at the bottom.

We ended our night painting in the hotel great room.