Friday, July 20, 2012

Cape Cod Day 2

This morning we headed to Station Chatham to check out Rob's new office and take a tour of Chatham light. I've been a spectator from the beach many times, but never thought I would be inside the lighthouse. The kids were so excited to go inside and check it out. After we visited the station we headed to the dock so the boys could play with the "boat". Then we headed to Oyster Cove to meet up with Steph and the kids for a little beach time. 

At the top of Chatham Light

Avery, Jess and Cheyenne

Jim & Rob

playing on Rob's boat

trying to catch fish

After the beach Jess took us to her favorite go cart place. Another first for the Malcolm's but a must when on Cape Cod. Kenzie and Finn loved this and were laughing the whole time and asking to go faster!

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