Monday, July 8, 2013

Fun at the pool

I'm so far behind with blogging, I thought it might be easier to go backward. So if you see pool pics and then suddenly its Easter you'll know why:)

Today was another beautiful summer day in Novato. Kenzie had her friend Katie over for the afternoon, so we decided to head over to the pool and swim for a while. Both Emme and Finn have decided they like the big pool and they love to jump off the side. Finn has stopped using floaties and tries his best to tread water. Emme mostly hitches a ride around the pool holding onto our necks. Mackenzie has blossomed this year, with swim team. She is now swimming all over the pool independently and even braves the diving board.

Here are some fun shots I captured with the water camera.

Kenzie & Katie

hot tub

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