Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Spaghetti Social and Bowling

Tonight was the CPO spaghetti social at the base in Petaluma. They have it for every new chiefs class that comes through the academy and Jim was in charge of this one so we decided to join him. The kids were very excited about spaghetti, meatballs, garlic bread and of course chocolate cake! Kenzie was very interested to know about the 75 other people in the room sharing our dinner. 
After dinner we surprised the kids by taking them to the bowling alley on base. We decided that since Kenzie keeps beating us in Wii bowling it was time to show her the real thing. The first thing she said was "What are those balls for?". They put up the bumper for the kids and got out some little shoes, and light weight balls. Kenzie was very hesitant at very first but quickly got the hang of it. Finn was happy to help Daddy throw the ball down the lane and then run away. In the end Finn lost interest and just wanted to roll around on the floor, so Kenzie finished her game and Finn's. Kenzie ended bowling a 76, pretty good for a 4.5 year old out for the first time. I was finally able to meet Jim by 3 pins, although he did bowl one frame while holding a baby! It was a fun evening and it only cost us $7, just another great benefit of being a military family. We're thinking of making it a new Malcolm family tradition.

Emersyn helping Daddy bowl

enjoying a little floor time


  1. I love the picture of Finn and Jim bowling - you can see KEnzie in the background 'striking a pose' ... so Kenzie!
