Sunday, March 20, 2011

6 months old

Emersyn is 6 months old today and full of personality. She loves attention from anyone who will give it to her. When we walk through target or the grocery store she smiles at everyone. I could spend all day just watching her smile or making her laugh. 
 Some of her new tricks are sitting up on her own and holding items in her hands. She has also figured out how to get her feet in her mouth.  She makes some great sounds one of which sounds like "da da da". She loves to eat solids and so far her favorite seems to be bananas. While feeding her she screams for more in between bites! 
She is still sleeping with us, but only wakes up a couple of times a night to eat. She loves to nap in the ergo while I carry her but is starting to take naps in bed.
Her favorite place to be when someone is not holding her is the Einstein Activity center. She spins around in it and grabs onto all the toys.  She loves to stand assisted on your lap and bounce up and down. She is an amazing little lady and I can't wait to see what the next six months brings!
sitting up and holding onto a brush

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