Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

This morning we started our day by going to church with Mum Mum. Kenzie was very excited to wear her Easter dress and she did really good sitting still in the pew. Emersyn needed to get up and move around, but was happy to people watch. We decided Finn wasn't ready for the experience so he stayed home with Daddy.

After our chaotic experience at pioneer park's Easter egg hunt we decided to have our own hunt this morning so after church we hid eggs all over our front yard. The kids enjoyed the hunt with no competition, and were excited to see what goodies awaited them. 

Mum Mum,Kenzie, & Emersyn

Checking out the loot
In the afternoon we had a family dinner with Mum Mum, Aunt Anne & Uncle Levi. It was a great family day.

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