Saturday, April 30, 2011


This weekend we headed to Monterey for Jim's big race. We got there Friday afternoon in time to pick up Jim's race packet and go out to dinner. On Saturday we got an early start and headed down to the cannery/wharf area to enjoy the view. 
Our next stop was the Monterey Bay Aquarium. The Lums's happened to be in town so we were excited to meet up with them at the aquarium. Mackenzie really wanted to show Logan the touch tanks. They had fun touching the star fish and different kinds of shells. Lindsey was really into the seaweed. Mackenzie said her favorite part of the aquarium was the seahorse exhibit...not surprising.
looking at sardines

sea dragon

touch tank

Lindsey & Marc at the touch tank

Kenzie & Logan

After the aquarium we headed to the beach for a picnic lunch. Kenzie really wanted to test out the water. We tried to convince her that it would be cold, but she didn't care. She had so much fun running the surf. Finn decided he wasn't that daring and would just hang back in the sand.

After lunch we headed to south to the PCH to drive the race course and see some of the famous views of coastal California. We stopped at Bixby Bridge and then Pfeiffer Big Sur state park where we took a short hike to Pfeifer falls. The kids did great on the hike with minimal whining. After our hike we headed back up to Monterey for a seafood dinner on the pier. It was a busy fun filled day!

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