Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Big Race

Today was the Big Sur Marathon and Jim was up at 4:30 to catch the bus to Carmel for the race start. The rest of us slept in, ate breakfast and then headed to Carmel by the Sea to take the scenic 17 mile drive. Mum Mum and I stopped at the different vista points and took pictures, while Emersyn napped and Kenzie & Finn watched a movie in the van.

The Lone Cypress
After our drive we headed to the race finish line. We met up with a tired but happy Jim. He had finished the race and completed with a personal best of 4 hours and 23 minutes an awesome accomplishment. I guess pushing two kids in the double jogger on all his runs really paid off! The kids were very excited to see Daddy's medal and his goody bag full of snacks.

In the afternoon Jim stayed with Finn in the hotel for a well deserved nap while the girls headed to the seaside beach. It was still a little cool out but Mackenzie really wanted to wear her new bathing suit. The rest of us were happy to enjoy the warm sun in our sweatshirts.

After the boys woke up we headed to Carmel Valley for dinner at Baja Cantina. The weather was great so we enjoyed our Mexican feast on the patio. After dinner we headed to Carmel by the Sea  to our favorite beach to watch the sun set. We brought out the sand toys and let the kids play. Mum Mum and I took a walk to watch the surfers. The sun set was perfect without a cloud in the sky. Something unusual for foggy Carmel. It was a beautiful end to a special day.

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