Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Christmas Spirit

With Thanksgiving over and our friends departed. We decided today was the perfect day to get out the Christmas boxes and set up the tree. We spent the day cleaning up then house and then had a Christmas inspired dinner. Christmas tree and snowman pizza (idea inspired by LB). Then we all got into our Christmas jammies.  Mackenzie was very eager to help this year and wanted to oversee the placement of our decorations. After all the breakables were placed up high, we let Kenzie and Finn decorate the lower part of the tree. Then Emme helped to do a little undecorating! She had fun pulling the ornaments off and wandering around with them. Finn found one ornament to be very entertaining, a red trumpet which he kept trying to play. After the decorations were done we made hot cocoa for the kids and watched Elf on the Shelf. It was a fun way to kick off the Christmas season.
kids pizza

being silly

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Polar Express

Today was our last day with the Baysden girls. We wanted to do something fun to kick off the Christmas Holiday so we headed to Sacramento to take a ride on the Polar Express. We got everyone into their Christmas jammies for a few pics then headed for the train. After 4 little people waited very patiently in line, we boarded the train. On board they served hot chocolate and cookies. We got a visit from Santa and everyone received a silver bell, the first gift of Christmas.

poor Emme had to stay behind with Daddy

Kenzie's horse Angel came along for the ride

After the train ride we went to get our pictures taken with Santa and tell him what we want for Christmas. Kenzie marched right up and sat on his lap. She wants Moxie girls and twinkle toes. Finn was not so sure about this. He got close enough to say he wanted presents, but was not going to sit on the big mans lap. He did allow me to hold him for one group photo. 

What a special night! We were sad it was our last night with the Baysden girls. After a walk around Old Sacramento it was time to take them to their hotel in Oakland before and early morning flight.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Jelly Belly Factory

On my to do list while living in the bay area is the Jelly Belly Factory. Since the Baysden girls are in town we decided to head to Fairfield and check it out. The tour took us through all the stages a jelly bean goes through before it is complete. Who knew it was such a lengthy process! The kids stayed entertained with free samples along the way and working robots. We ended with a trip to the gift shop were we sampled some unusual flavors like Baby wipes...yuk! I don't recommend it.

jelly bean art

Monday, November 21, 2011

Fun with Paige

This week the Baysden girls are in town visiting for the holiday. Kenzie and Paige love to do art projects so we thought it would be fun to send the girls to art camp. They made ceramic ornaments for the tree, picture frames, painted on canvas and sewed Christmas trees.

They had so much fun we brought them back for a drop on Wednesday afternoon and they got to work with the pottery wheel. These are the bowls they made.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Too tired to eat

Jim was off to the airport and Emme and I were enjoying a little quality time. I sat her down for dinner and the next thing I knew she was passed out in the chair. I guess she figured she better rest before the Baysden girls arrived. She's pretty cute when she asleep.

Posing for the Camera

Lately everyone in my house seems to be moving too fast for pictures. Angus decided he would humor me and let me work on a little photography tonight.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Check out my hair!

Emersyn is only the Malcolm child to be born with hair and she has a lot of it! I am always trying to put headbands and bows in her hair, which she promptly pulls out. Today I got her to leave a little ponytail in. Victory for Mom and cuteness for Emme.

Aren't I cute!

Monday, November 14, 2011

3 years old

Favorite color: blue
Favorite food: kickin (chicken)
Favorite book: Deep Blue Sea
Favorite toy: choo choo's 
Favorite tv show: Wild Kratts
Best Friend at school: Joey

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thomas the train party

Today we had a birthday party for Finn. Our big boy is turning 3 years old! Jim took him to pick out a cake and he wanted Thomas, so we got Thomas decorations to match. We had a pizza party and cake. Then we sent the kids out to play hula hoops with Uncle Levi. They took turns chasing hoops up and down the driveway, hopping through them and walking together inside them. It was a really fun day and everyone was exhausted by the end. After the guests left Finn enjoyed opening all his presents.

Finn, Maya, Kenzie, Logan & Julia


Batman jammies

boa constrictor

remote control firetruck

new helmet

tow truck