Friday, November 25, 2011

The Polar Express

Today was our last day with the Baysden girls. We wanted to do something fun to kick off the Christmas Holiday so we headed to Sacramento to take a ride on the Polar Express. We got everyone into their Christmas jammies for a few pics then headed for the train. After 4 little people waited very patiently in line, we boarded the train. On board they served hot chocolate and cookies. We got a visit from Santa and everyone received a silver bell, the first gift of Christmas.

poor Emme had to stay behind with Daddy

Kenzie's horse Angel came along for the ride

After the train ride we went to get our pictures taken with Santa and tell him what we want for Christmas. Kenzie marched right up and sat on his lap. She wants Moxie girls and twinkle toes. Finn was not so sure about this. He got close enough to say he wanted presents, but was not going to sit on the big mans lap. He did allow me to hold him for one group photo. 

What a special night! We were sad it was our last night with the Baysden girls. After a walk around Old Sacramento it was time to take them to their hotel in Oakland before and early morning flight.

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