Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Christmas Spirit

With Thanksgiving over and our friends departed. We decided today was the perfect day to get out the Christmas boxes and set up the tree. We spent the day cleaning up then house and then had a Christmas inspired dinner. Christmas tree and snowman pizza (idea inspired by LB). Then we all got into our Christmas jammies.  Mackenzie was very eager to help this year and wanted to oversee the placement of our decorations. After all the breakables were placed up high, we let Kenzie and Finn decorate the lower part of the tree. Then Emme helped to do a little undecorating! She had fun pulling the ornaments off and wandering around with them. Finn found one ornament to be very entertaining, a red trumpet which he kept trying to play. After the decorations were done we made hot cocoa for the kids and watched Elf on the Shelf. It was a fun way to kick off the Christmas season.
kids pizza

being silly

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