Saturday, February 18, 2012

Sonoma with the Family

Lorina and the kids are visiting for the weekend, so today we decided to take a ladies trip and head to Sonoma. We started off at Valley of the Moon. While Lorina and Anne enjoyed a tasting, Julia and I took a tour of the grounds. I took this opportunity take a few shots of Julia, always one of my favorite subjects to photograph. However she's not the same curly haired little cutie I once chased after with the camera, she's blossomed into a beautiful young woman. Lucky for me she's still willing to have her picture taken. 

After Valley of the Moon we headed to BR Cohn to taste olive oil and chocolate. Then we headed over to Imagery for another tasting and a look at some local art. We ended our day with a lunch on the patio of a local restaurant. It was a perfect day in Sonoma.

1 comment:

  1. Ladies day out was so much fun! These are beautiful pictures of Julia. You are so talented.
