Saturday, August 20, 2011

11 months old

Emersyn is ll months old and on the verge of walking. She can stand up and balance. Occasionally she will try and take a step, but then she gets down and crawls away. She's started crab crawling which is basically walking on her hands and feet with her butt up in the air. She loves to say Dada Dada. She has finally started eating more solids. She likes grapes, pasta, chicken, cheese and puffs. She is now sleeping in her crib and only wakes up once a night to feed, which makes Mommy very happy. I still like to bring her in bed in the early morning and snuggle with her. My baby is getting so big and I'm trying to hang onto every moment. Its such a strange mixture of happy and sad. I'm so happy to see her grow and explore the world but sad to lose the little baby. Just sitting here typing this I feel myself getting "misty" as Jim would say. I never could have anticipated the emotional roller coaster of being a parent, but I wouldn't change it for anything.

hamming it up for the camera

working the tongue

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