Thursday, October 6, 2011

10 years in the making

Today marked our 10th anniversary of marriage. 3 kids and 3 moves later, its amazing to look around and see how much has happened. From big cities to rural countryside. From one little girl to 3 crazy monkeys. And a few more grey hairs. We've have had our many challenges in this relationship and this year was no exception with cell phones breaking, cars crashing, bathrooms with mold and broken metatarsals.
 We had made big plans to head to San Francisco and eat at Gary Danko. A very fancy city restaurant. Well as life always does it got in the way. Jim's broken foot in a boot was not the best for navigating downtown SF. So we decided on a low key dinner at a local favorite Taki for a sushi dinner. Crutches and all it was a relaxing night, followed by a little fun at DSW ( how romantic!) Most importantly it gave us some much needed adult time.
What I've learned these last ten years. We can live anywhere (quite literally), get through any situation and have great dates wherever we go. As long as we are together. Oh what the next 10 years will bring?

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