Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Today was a full day of Halloween activities. Everyone one got into costume and we headed to Kenzie's school for the kindergarten parade. Then it was off to Finn's preschool for a parade around the high school and a class party. In the afternoon we headed back over to Kenzie's school for her class Halloween party. Then it was home to relax for a little while before we headed out for some trick or treating. We met up with some friends and hit the neighborhood. There was no complaining and everyone got lots of candy. Emme even caught on after a while and wanted to walk up to the doors, and see if anyone would give her candy.
Kitty goes to class
Logan marching in the parade

Dylan and Kenzie

(self portrait) Mom and kitty

Finn and Renee in the preschool parade

Halloween party

Halloween crafts and kindergarten party
Kenzie and Miss Colonna

Kenzie, Finn and Adam

ready to trick or treat

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