Saturday, October 29, 2011

Trick or Treating on Grant

Today we took the kids to Grant Street for the safe trick or treating event. This is a fun activity where the kids go into all the local shops and are given candy, toys and other goodies. This year we also received toothbrushes, notepads, pens and one package of Kleenex (just for Mom). We saw lots of friends from school and playgroup out on the street. We even surprised the kids with a visit from Anne & Levi. As it got later, it became too hot out and bunnies were melting so we headed home for a little lunch. Then Levi took Kenzie & Finn for a little bike riding.

Kenzie & Kesang

posing with Auntie

Got blood?

everyone wants their picture with a bunny

Zaira, Kenzie & Tea

a little hoop action

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