Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas morning

This morning we were surprised that everyone slept until their regular time. We were expecting to have kids in our bed at 4am. Once they were up the excitement began. They couldn't wait to get down the stairs and see what Santa had brought. Emme found her pink car and spent the rest of the morning sitting in it and honking the horn. She had no interest in opening presents, however Finn and Kenzie were ready to shred some paper. Finn's reaction was priceless. Every present opened was followed by "HEY look its a ..!". It didn't matter if it was socks or a helicopter, he was just excited. Kenzie found her moxie girls and was happy to set up the stable and play with them for the rest of the day. We spent most of the day in our jammies napping and hanging out. We ended the night with a big ham dinner with the whole family. 
first glimpse of the tree

new trash can & trash bags

domestic bliss

water table

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