Sunday, December 18, 2011

Daisy Investiture Ceremony

Tonight we had our daisy pinning ceremony and the girls got to wear their uniforms for the first time. We read the girl scout promise and the meanings of the daisy pedals. Then each girl received their daisy pin. We placed it on upside down and each girl was tasked with doing 3 good deeds before they could turn it around. After the ceremony we had a celebration dinner. Lucky for us one of the troop Moms is a caterer. She made us a turkey feast, that was awesome, not what one expect at a girl scout meeting! We all agreed that she should be in charge of our holiday party every year! After dinner the girls had fun roasting marshmallows in the fireplace.
trying on the new uniform

Abby & Kenzie

making smores
After the ceremony Kenzie decided that her first good deed would be to help me bring in the garbage cans. She's really excited doing her good deeds, and I think I will be too!

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