Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

(A view from the top)

(Finn's first carousel ride)

(Finn's choo-choo face)

We were happy to finally all have a day off and decided to take a day trip for Labor Day. We headed to East Bay to the hills of Berkeley. We went to check out Tilden Park. Our first stop was a picnic lunch followed by the steam train. The kids enjoyed riding through the woods on the mini train. Our next stop was carousel, a favorite for Miss Mackenzie. Finn surprised us by deciding he was ready to ride on the carousel as well. He idolizes his big sister and wants to do what she's doing! After two rides we headed over to the little farm to see the animals. It was getting very hot by this point, but the kids were still excited to pet the goats and cows. They weren't very impressed by the chickens or the bunnies (seems the down east lifestyle has left its mark). After our adventure in the park we headed home for a nap followed by a dip in the pool. We're not sure we have too many days of swimming left, so we've been trying to get to the pool whenever possible.

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