Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lake Oswego to Spokane, Washington

This morning we headed west along the Columbia River. Our first stop was the Multnomah Falls. There was a short walk to the base of the falls and then another short walk to the viewing bridge. We headed up for a closer look. After taking a few pictures we asked Kenzie if she wanted to hike to the top. It was a one mile hike up a paved trail with a series of switchbacks, 11 to be exact.  Well she wanted to go for it so up we went. I had Emme in the ergo and Finn gladly rode on Jim's shoulders. Our cheer became "You can do it", in a somewhat Arnold accent.  We made it to the top in about an hour and I heard no complaining. I was so impressed with Kenzie, what an accomplishment. We have a little hiker in our family! Once at the top we stood on the viewing platform that hangs just above the falls. It was a beautiful view the falls and the Columbia River below.  We made it back to the bottom in no time at all and then headed down the road for a picnic lunch. Then it was time for the long drive to Spokane. Luckily everyone was tired so there was lots of napping this afternoon.

top of the falls

my little hiker

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