Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Yellowstone National Park: Day 2

Today was Geyser Day. So we headed to the Old Faithful section of the park. Some of the places we stopped were lower geyser basin, Firehole lake drive, and course old faithful.
Yellow bus Beep Beep!

Celestine Pool

mud pots

stinky mud!

White Dome Geyser

waiting for the geyser to erupt

double trouble

Old Faithful Geyser

After an ice cream stop at the Old Faithful general store we headed back to Canyon village to see Artist point. We took the walking path to a scenic overlook. Here we found panoramic views of The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone and lower falls of the Yellowstone River. On our way out we pulled over to watch a family of Elks eating on the side of the road. 

  After we finished at the falls we decided to have dinner in a picnic area along the Yellowstone River. Well as we started to cook a storm rolled in. First a sprinkle, then steady rain, then lightening and hale! Jim and Mike were troopers, They used and umbrella and the tablecloth to cover themselves and the grill and kept cooking. Luckily the storm passed quickly and it was probably the best tasting meal we ate the whole trip. Sorry no pics of the event, didn't think hale would be good for the camera. I did get a nice reflection shot from our picnic site.

After dinner we made a stop in Hayden Valley. This was supposed to be a great place for animal sitings later in the evening. As luck would have it no animals appeared here. But on our way back to the hotel we were greeted by a few buffalo and a large family of elk hanging out by a stream.

my favorite sign

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