Thursday, July 21, 2011

Yellowstone to Grand Tetons National Park

Today we headed south past Yellowstone Lake and into Grand Tetons National.  As we headed into the park there was a dramatic change in the landscape. Snow capped mountains and beautiful green meadows. Our first stop was Jackson Lake lodge. We went out to the back deck to enjoy the panoramic views. Then we had a picnic lunch on the lawn while the kids ran around playing games and working on their cartwheels.

view from the lodge

 Our next stop was to the visitors center. There we got to learn about the history of the park and play with antlers from different mammals that live in the park. The one animal we had not seen yet was a moose. So I decided to ask the rangers where the best place to find them was. She pointed us to a boggy marsh area and told us to come back around dusk. So after we checked into our hotel and had dinner we went on a moose hunt. They were cleverly hidden but luckily there were other people out doing the same thing. So we just followed the tourists. We were able to find two Mom's both with their babies. They seemed to have no fear of everyone and we were able to get really close. Probably too close! Well unfortunately this was our last night of vacation and it was time to start the long drive home. It was a great two weeks!

big horn sheep

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