Monday, July 18, 2011

Yellowstone National Park: Day 1

This morning we headed into the north entrance of the park. Our first stop was Mammoth. We've all been excited to see the wildlife of Yellowstone and this morning we were not disappointed. On the green in Mammoth were a family of Elk lounging in the sun and eating the grass. Apparently they are regulars here because there were signs saying "Danger Do not approach ELK".

Elk on the lawn

Our next stop was to take a hike to see Wraith Falls. Due to little navigational miscalculation we actually hiked Undite Falls. It was still beautiful and an easy hike for the kids. Unfortunately Finn was not in the hiking mood. He gave his best two year old protest all the way back to the car. I spent this time enjoying the scenery and taking pictures of the beautiful sage brush and local flowers.

After a picnic on the water we headed to the Roosevelt section of the park. We stopped to see the petrified tree, Roosevelt lodge and the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. We stopped at the overlook to see Yellowstone Falls. Mackenzie and I decided to take the trail down to the lower falls for a closer look. It was amazing to see the falls up close. 

Roosevelt Lodge

view from the top of the falls

next to the falls

As we headed out of the park we stopped to view a family of elks playing by the side of the road. Then it was on to our hotel for some pool time. 

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