Monday, July 11, 2011

Novato to Crescent City

Today was the first day of our summer road trip and our goal was to make it to the California border. Emme and Finn helped us get and early start by waking up at 5 am. We ended up leaving 30 minutes ahead of schedule. We spent the morning heading up 101, our first stop was a lunch stop at the "Avenue of the Giants" which is home to the largest trees in the world, the Giant Redwood Trees.  We spent our lunchtime playing amongst the giant trees and then took a walk through Founders Grove.

 We ended our day in Crescent City. We checked into our hotel and headed for the beach. Jim got to working on dinner on the coleman stove while the kids played in the sand. We had a slightly sandy mac & cheese with hot dogs, always a favorite. After dinner we headed down to the water and let the kids run through the waves. The tide was out so they were able to run pretty far and only get water up to their knees. Jim and I thought the water was freezing but Kenzie and Finn didn't seem to mind. The night ended with a splash. It only took one big wave to knock them over and they were drenched. Kenzie was able to get up quickly but Finn was under the water. Jim ran to his rescue and scooped him up all while holding the camera and keeping it personal hero! We headed back to our room to take hot showers and fill our bathtub with sand. Then it was off to bed Kenzie and Finn each wanted to have a sleep over with a parent so I slept with Kenzie and Jim slept with Finn. Who knew hotels could be so exciting. We're off to a great start for our vacation, minus the scary underwater part!

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