Thursday, July 14, 2011

Spokane to Glacier National Park

Today was our last day of driving until we arrived at the park. It was a long day and the kids were done being in the car. We made it to Kalispell, MT and the kids were all losing especially Emersyn. We stopped at a McDonald's playplace and let the kids burn it out. Then it was into the park. We took the going to the sun road through the park. As we headed up to Logan Pass we were in awe of how much snow there was. The waterfalls were gushing and there was runoff all over the road. Kenzie was very curious to know what would happen if we drove under the waterfalls. Finn was very excited to see the red buses. He kept calling them fire trucks. We taught him to say "Red bus, beep beep". This would become Finn's phrase of the week.

After we got checked into our room we headed over to Johnson's to meet up with the rest of the family. Kenzie and Collin quickly reunited with Finn tagging along.

who knew plastic champagne glasses could be so much fun

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